Friday, June 12, 2009

Anti-Oppressive Education

Kumashiro's article talks about having an educational environment where all is welcome and feel safe to be themselves. He suggest that there be no evidence of discrimation found in this environment. In order words, anti-oppresive education does not discriminate and is all inclusive. In order to successfully implement an anti-oppressive class environment each teacher and student must begin with themselves. We must look inside ourselves and see the streotypes and bias that we have and work to cleanse ourselves from the ugliness that is within. We must be willing to identify those values and beliefs that we have that cause us to create and set up barriers for others and work to eliminate them. After working on ourselves, we must work to change the values and beliefs that are embedded in the culture of American society that has helped shape our view of race, religion, gender, and sex. What Kumashiro suggest forces us to change what has been established by mainstream society. I like what the "Creating Classrooms for Equity and Social Justice" article said about "teaching our students to not only change the world, but to maneuver in the one that exist." This is what we have to do until all the changes that are needed to secure a world of equity takes place, teach our young people how to become successful in the world that already exist. We must teach them strategies that will help them combat the unjust treatment that they may face from day to day because of the gender, race, or sexual preference.


  1. You picked the same quote I did from that article. I really appreciated the frankness in that we aren't going to fix this today and that its more realistic to learn how to deal with it while it changes that to expect everyone to go out on their soapboxes and change the world. Great summary.

  2. It's a good observation. We are charged with not only changing the bias, but are also inspiring students who have been "othered" how to speak out for themselves and challenge the status quo.
